Naruto is one of the most important manga and anime of all time.

Masashi Kishimoto's work is part of the childhood and adolescence of millions of people born between the nineties and the 2000s, but it is its quality that has allowed it to transcend and continue to be an example within the shonen genre both in the manga and anime world.

Now, the Naruto anime has a considerable amount of filler as does Naruto Shippuden. The purpose of this article is to help you identify what is canon and what is not. In this way, you will be able to discern whether or not it is worth watching those chapters or arcs that are not part of the original story of the manga. If we add Naruto and Naruto Shippuden together, we find more than 275 filler episodes out of the 720 that make up the anime. So, for those of you lucky enough to be entering Konoha for the first time, or for those of you who feel like going back and forgetting Boruto, we leave you with a list that includes all the filler episodes of the anime.We pick up in episode 72, “The Quietly Approaching Threat”.From episode 91 to episode 112, filler.After escaping from the cave, Naruto and the others chase after the Kedouin in order to put a halt to their. We pick up in episode 113, “The Serpent's Pupil” Watch Naruto Episode 176 Online at Anime-Planet.Chnin Exams Arc: Episode 58 : 'Rumah Sakit yang Terkepung: Sisi Jahat Terungkap'. From episode 144 to episode 151, filler. Inilah urutan episode Naruto dan daftar judul Naruto beserta daftar arc Naruto lengkap sampai episode Naruto 220.From episode 176 to episode 196, filler.From episode 223 to episode 242, filler.We pick up in episode 197, “The Sixth Hokage Danzo”