⭐️ Books, interests, music, movies, TV shows ⭐️ It's wise to think twice before sharing, liking or commenting anything. ⭐️ All content you'll see is implicitly shared with you - just not visible. ⭐️ It works on your profile, your friends' profiles or anyone else's profiles. ⭐️ Social Revealer builds up special queries to get access to hidden parts of Facebook. ⭐️ Even when somebody has a blank timeline there's still a lot of data that might be seen. ⭐️ Show your share-everything friends what digital footprint they leave behind. There's much more than presented on timeline…

With Social Revealer you'll gain access to hidden parts of Facebook profiles. I'm working on a workaround/fix, please be patient. Therefore some users might see "This page isn't available" on some searches. Description from store ⚠️ DEVELOPER NOTE ⚠️įacebook is gradually switching off its search endpoints Social Revealer depends on.